Friday, November 16, 2007

baby it's cold outside...

it's getting cold here in new england. i'm starting to wonder what i am going to do when it's too cold to go outside... this day we were the only ones at the playground- i fear my tolerance for cold weather might not be cash's. however, he was having a great time and was thrilled that he got the whole place to himself. i signed cash up for a gym class too- he slept through his first class today- we might have to reschedule around his precious mid-morning nap!

and one last halloween pic which i think is hilarious... and this was on the way to trick or treating!



Baby By The Sea said...

I love that tired monkey picture! There's something about fuzzy suits like that which make me want to hug endlessly. Give him a squeeze for me.

mat jeff said...

now that's a hat!

Auntslappy said...

He mustve been tired from all that jumping on the bed!