Sunday, March 25, 2007

spring is in the air!

our baby boy is turning into a little boy before our very eyes! i tried to put this hat on him once when he was younger and it was too big... and well now, it's a bit too small! cash has been enjoying going for walks again and sitting out on the deck. let's hope beach weather is not far behind!

this picture i just love that we are making the same face...
and if you look real close you can see our matching dimples!


Manic Mama said...

I love that last pic! So great! Dimples and all!

Unknown said...

I can't believe how fast he's growing! And you don't have to look close at all to see the matching dimples:)

Carol P. said...

All I know is that if I had put that hat on'd be screaming!!!(I'm off to the GAP)